July 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Europe will allocate 60 billion euros for the development of the Greek economy

In the coming years, Greece will receive support in the amount of about thirty billion euros from long-term financing EU for 2021-2027 and thirty billion euros from the Recovery and Resilience Facility until 2026.

Concerning NSRF(National Strategic Reference System), its use is estimated to lead to an increase in GDP in the period 2021-2030. an additional 31 billion euros, and in the period 2021-2035. will lead to the creation of about 125,000 new permanent jobs.

According to the calculations of the Bank of England, high investment rates will continue, which means an increase of an average of 10% per year. They are supported by strengthening liquidity in the banking sector and the use of available European resources.

The Greek government estimates that of the 60 billion euros of investments that are planned to be attracted, mainly through the Recovery Fund until 2026, about 45 billion euros will be private investments. Moody’s, in its latest report on investment-driven Greece, expects nominal GDP growth of around 4-6% in the coming years, compared to less than 2% and often negative growth in the decade to 2020.

Greece has placed the future of the economy on investment, and the challenge is to absorb resources through European programs. The bet that the Greek economy has made concerns the distribution of money for the programs of both the NSRF and the Recovery Fund. Fiscal margin and GDP projections are largely based on assumptions about billions of euros being used to mobilize investment. Failing that, this will lead to lower estimates of both job growth and public debt reduction.

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