July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Medvedev: "We don’t need a world without Russia"

Deputy Head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev threatens in his article in Izvestia that if the question of the existence of Russia arises, the existence of the entire human civilization will be in question:

“If the question of the existence of Russia itself is seriously raised, it will not be decided on the Ukrainian front. But along with the question of the further existence of the entire human civilization. And there should be no ambiguity here. We do not need a world without Russia.”

The deputy head of the Security Council said that Russia’s enemies are hindering possible negotiations and are pumping up the “Kyiv regime” with weapons, threatening that Russia “will not allow this”:

“Western countries with satellites are only 15% of the world’s population. There are many more of us, and we are much stronger. The calm power of our large country and the authority of its partners is the key to preserving the future for our entire world.”

In a publication in Russian edition of Izvestiya Dmitry Medvedev returns to the “origins”, while traditionally not choosing too many expressions:

“Two dates can be considered as points of no return. The first is the autumn of 2008, when the Western world supported Georgia’s aggression against the Ossetian people and lifted to the skies the fool, drug addict and adventurer, who was later rejected not only by his own country, but also by a foreign one, where he cowardly fled “The aggressor was then given a quick and firm rebuff. The second turning point was the spring of 2014, when the people of Crimea expressed their will in a legal referendum, returning forever to their historical homeland. This caused a frenzied, impotent hysteria in the Western world, which continues to this day. Their convulsions are fueled by cavernous Russophobia and the desire to create a newly-minted Frankenstein in the face of Ukraine – a special “anti-Russia” about which the president of our country wrote. What else can I say? Only one thing: the wise predecessors of today’s brainless Western politicians said this: Deus quos vult perdere dementat prius – whom God wants to punish, he first deprives of reason. not tear our country to pieces and ultimately led to a special military operation.”

At the end of his article, the Deputy Head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation warns:

“History shows something else: any collapsed empire buries half the world under its ruins, or even more. Those who first destroyed the USSR and now are trying to destroy the Russian Federation do not want to understand this. They retain delusional illusions that, having sent to the next world without a single shot from the Soviet Union, they will be able to bury present-day Russia without significant problems for themselves, throwing the lives of thousands of people involved in the conflict into the furnace. These are extremely dangerous delusions. As with the USSR, it will not work. Russia, it will not be solved at all on the Ukrainian front, but along with the question of the further existence of the entire human civilization. And there should be no ambiguity here. We do not need a world without Russia.”

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