July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Corruption: high-ranking police officers protect crime bosses

Dialogues between senior Greek police officers EL.AS. with gang leaders published an influential Greek edition on Sunday ToVima.

According to him, a total of 27 police officers were involved in criminal activities, offering protection to gangs that are involved in illegal fuel trade. The article prompted the intervention of the prosecutor of the Supreme Court, who ordered an urgent preliminary investigation.

According to ToVima, these conversations were found in messengers like Viber and Whats App from one of the bosses of the gang, who was recently liquidated by hired killers. In these chats, high-ranking police officers can be heard saying that they will help gangs involved in fuel smuggling and other criminal activities without conducting thorough checks and allowing them to operate unhindered. Some of the conversations were revealed after execution gas station owner

Cops and gang leaders

“My friend, whatever you want about gas stations, I will immediately do …”. This is the assurance given by the senior officer of EL.AS. to a member of an illegal group – only a part of hundreds of “dialogues” between police officers and mafiosi, fuel smugglers or other members of organized crime.

The impressive material at the disposal of the newspaper illuminates, perhaps for the first time, so vividly the relationship and the relationship between the godfathers of the Greek mafia and the leaders of the EL. .AS. at the highest level. These revelations demonstrate the need for immediate cleansing of the police forces in the country, emphasizes ToVima. As the dialogue shows, the goal of the police was to “turn a blind eye” during inspections and allow the gangs to continue their activities unhindered.

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The dialogues referred to by the publication are SMS text messages, conversation recordings and other electronic recordings that were found on mobile phones or computers of crime suspects who were victims of “hitmen”. Among them is also the murder of a businessman who owns a gas station or a criminal act involving a current ex-police officer as a victim.

In addition, criminal ties were recorded between EL.AS officers and Albanian criminals, whose drug and arms trafficking activities were recently exposed during police operation at the Polytechnio campus in Zografoin the suburbs of Athens, in September 2022.

Apparently, even then, the special services began “mapping” 25 police officers who are associated with the corruption network or benefit from it. At the same time, apparently, SMS messages sent to businessmen about upcoming checks by the police leadership were discovered. However, the authorities did not take any clear steps to stop these illegal arrangements and transactions. In addition, gang leaders seem to have been able to assist in the promotion of cops or “positions” where corrupt cops would be able to better serve their “protégés”.

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Politicians involved?

An additional worrisome point is the fact that many of the dialogues disclosed by ToVima mention “arrangements” with “cooperating ministers” and incumbents. Equally problematic and indicative of the extent of corruption is that the police transfers mentioned in the dialogues seem to be confirmed by internal EL.AS data. Thus, a few hours after the recorded stories, there really are … strange interventions from above that concerned precisely these predetermined positions of the police officers. Apparently, they were not made in compliance with the “strict criteria of the law.”

The gangs are alleged to have paid bribes from time to time to a number of employees of the Fuel Control Agency, the Economic Police, the Organized Crime Squad and other EL.AS., but also the National Intelligence Service ΕΥΠto enjoy protection.

Among the corrupt officers is reportedly the head of the Attica police department, from whom the recorded messages say that “he is paid to guard bars in the southern suburbs of Athens.” The publication has lists of other police officers who are suspected of corruption and criminal collaboration with politicians.

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ToVima emphasizes that “the most important part of the investigation concerns the activities of high-ranking police officers, and this emerged from a file sent to the Athens prosecutor’s office at the end of 2021. The file included all the data obtained from mobile phones found after the May 1, 2018 murder of a 58-year-old former police officer. These mobile phones strangely “disappeared” and therefore were not checked after the crime.

However, they were later found in the desk drawer of the police officer on duty. In the list of conversations with the persons in question in the online application, 75 names were found, mostly former and current EL.AS executives. It is also noted here that the murdered ex-policeman, as well as about 20 other policemen, lawyers and individuals were involved in the investigation of the prosecutor’s office in the period 2016-2018 to participate in a corruption network for the control of about 1,000 clubs, brothels, nightclubs and other establishments .

Source/full story including some dialogue: tovima.gr

PS Today’s statement by A. Tsipras “This government is morally and politically corrupt.” Demagogy, no doubt, but for some reason, in all corruption cases, we see, basically, politicians from New Democracy and PASOK?

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” (Everything is rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark), – Shakespeare said more than 400 years ago.

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