September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

New method of fraud: mothers were told that her child was kidnapped

After the general public found out about the trick, when scammers call unsuspecting citizens and ask them for money for “solving problems”, because their relative allegedly had an accident or has problems with the authorities, the general public found out, the scammers came up with a new tough scheme of deception naive citizens.

This morning, a certain townswoman, as usual, took her child to kindergarten, and then returned home. Then, according to the woman quoted by Tempo24, the home phone rang, and when the mother picked up the phone, she heard a male voice on the other end of the telephone line. The stranger told her: “We have kidnapped your child, if you do not give us money, you will never see him again.” At the same time, in the background, a child’s crying was heard in the tube.

The woman was in shock, but her husband, who was next to her, heard the conversation and immediately called the kindergarten. The management assured him that the child was safe and sound, and was currently studying with his classmates.

The husband immediately informed the authorities about the new combination of scammers.

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