July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The Ministry of Transport creates a register of used cars imported into Greece

A new digital registry proposed by the Ministry of Transport enters our lives.

The task of the register (Μητρώου Εισαγόμενων Μεταχειρισμένων Οχημάτων, ΜΕΜΟ) implemented by the Ministry of Transport is proper functioning and consolidation of the automotive market. The tasks of the MEMO, as noted in the message of the Ministry of Transport, is to resolve the issue bulk import used carsobserved in recent years, and optimization of the control system.

Thanks to new digital platformcreated by the Ministry of Transport, all data on imports and initial registration of used vehicles (importation into Greece) will be stored electronically. This will enable all relevant public authorities to have immediate and permanent access to them, and therefore the possibility carry out the necessary checks.

MEMO also offers the possibility of selectively verifying the authenticity of the vehicle details provided by importers and double-checking the specified details with authorized dealers. With the introduction of MEMO, a dual goal is achieved:

  • market consolidation through centralized supervision and control of used cars imported into the country, and prevention of the sale of vehicles with deliberately false datasuch as cars that have been in an accident or have “twisted mileage” (αλλοιωμένο μετρητή χιλιομέτρων).
  • improving the environment, reducing the negative impact on the environment (since this ensures that imported cars entering the market comply with the relevant CO2 emission legislation).

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