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Athens News

News in English from Greece

Former King of Greece Constantine dies

Late on the evening of Tuesday, January 10, 2023, the former King of Greece, Constantine, died at the age of 83.

Serious health problems in the past few months have been exacerbated by his recent re-infection with the coronavirus. The first time a positive test result was in January 2022, and in December 2021 the former monarch was hospitalized with pneumonia. This morning, a decision will be made on the burial of the former King Constantine in Tatoi, if there are no other wishes of the family, according to CNN Greece. However, the question of whether he will be buried with the honors of the head of state, as his family wants, is not the most likely scenario.

The announcement of the death of the former king will be published on Wednesday by his family, as well as the Hygeia hospital, where he was admitted after serious health problems. According to the information, he suffered an acute stroke and was admitted to the intensive care unit. According to information from iefimerida.grhis death was due to multiple organ failure caused by breathing problems he was experiencing.

At today’s interdepartmental meeting in the Maximos Palace, it will be decided how the funeral ritual of the former King Constantine will take place. The sons of the former king, Nikolaos and Pavlos, had previously visited Maximos Palace and met with Minister of State Giorgos Herapetritis. The funeral of a former king is likely to be attended by a representative of the British royal family – perhaps even King Charles himself, who had a particularly close relationship with the deceased. After all, the former King Constantine baptized the heir to the British throne, Prince William.

Born June 2, 1940 in Athens, Konstantin Gliksburg was proclaimed King of Greece on March 6, 1964 at the age of 24, succeeding his father Paul I after his death on the same day. cathimerini.gr.

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