July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Shock: The robber broke into the store and pointed a gun at a mother with a child

The image of a brutal bandit in Liosiya, who did not hesitate to point a gun at a mother holding a newborn in her arms, is shocking.

A mini-mart robber in a suburb of Athens went so far as to take aim at a mother who was holding her child in her arms! In the video published by the Alfa channel, the perpetrator approaches the checkout in a mask, cap and sunglasses, dangerously approaching a customer who was there at that moment. The robber demands money from the cash register. Glancing at a woman standing nearby with a baby in her arms, he suddenly pointed a gun at them so that the cashier would panic even more and quickly give him the money.

“Who should be this bastard with such a black soul, pointing a gun at a child ?! How is this even possible?! For some 200 euros? ”The shocked mother says to the reporters of the Alfa channel.

The robbery took place on the eve of Christmas. “We experienced a huge shock. My daughter, who is 4.5 years old, and she was also with us at that moment in the store, saw all this and is still under the impression, she cries all the time,” says the young woman.

The police believe that the perpetrator had accomplices, and they are all involved in the robbery of another convenience store in the area. Video about how minimarkets are robbed published by the channel OPEN TV.

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