July 26, 2024

Athens News

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Fighter plane crash in Russia: the number of victims increased to 13, including three children, 19 were injured

Assistant Minister of Health of Russia Alexei Kuznetsov announced today the latest data on the victims of the fall of the Su-34 fighter on a house in Yeysk.

Among the thirteen victims – three children, 19 people received injuries of varying severity. According to the head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry Alexander Kurenkov, there was no explosion after the fall of the Su-34. The fire was caused by a fuel spill. Veniamin Kondratyev, Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, announced on Telegram that an emergency regime has been declared at the site of the crash of the fighter. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire is extinguished.

250 people, including 40 children, were evacuated from the scene of the incident. All were settled in six hotels and boarding houses allocated for this purpose. Mikhail Murashko, head of the Ministry of Health, said that four victims had been transferred to Krasnodar, with a total of 15 people in hospitals.

The Ministry of Defense reported that the fall of the bomber occurred while climbing for a training flight from the military airfield of the Southern Military District. The pilots managed to eject. According to them, the cause of the disaster was the ignition of one of the engines during takeoff.

Eyewitnesses, however, suggested that the plane’s ammunition exploded. According to the war correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda Alexander Kots, the plane of the 277th Bomber Aviation Regiment carried shells into the gun, their detonation was heard during the crash.

The fire area was approximately 2,000 square meters, Interfax reported, referring to the duty dispatch service. The fire completely engulfed one of the entrances: “The ceiling from the ninth to the fifth floors collapsed. The entrance was completely engulfed in fire, about 45 apartments were damaged to one degree or another.”

The incident happened in the evening, many residents have already returned from work. The ruined building was considered one of the tallest in the city. The death toll is expected to rise dw. An investigation is underway to identify the perpetrators.

As our publication reported, the Su-34 military aircraft, a fighter-bomber with full ammunition, collapsed in Yeysk Krasnodar region of Russia.

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