September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

What prices will increase in October

A new rise in prices for a number of products on the shelves of supermarkets is planned in October. At the same time, it is possible that in winter feta will be sold even at 15 euros per kilogram, due to a decrease in milk production and the risk of a shortage of dairy and cheese products.

Supermarket chains are already holding lists with new grocery prices for October and it looks like another challenging month is coming.

The President of the Union of Small and Medium Supermarkets Yannis Pilidis, speaking at Realfm 97.8, states that “every month, the prices for products coming to us increase from about 4% to 12%. At the same time, he added that “the forecast for October is that we will have an increase in the prices of eggs, some frozen vegetables, meat, cheeses, detergents and cosmetics.”

At the moment, according to him, in September there was a significant increase in all categories of sausages (and new ones will appear in October), dairy products (cheeses), as well as olive oil.there have already been two price increases and a new one is coming.

Mr. Pilidis also pointed out the risk of a shortage of dairy and cheese products in the winter due to reduction in milk production, as a result of which quality suffers, despite the fact that its price is growing. It is possible that feta will be sold even at 15 euros per kilogram.

When asked about consumption rates, Mr. Pilidis replied that “the turnover of supermarkets is about the same compared to last year’s level, however, if we take into account that prices increased by 12%-15%, it means that the consumer buys less products, makes purchases 15% less“.

He clarified that more consumers are turning to “supermarket products rather than “brands” that combine lower price and quality. Consumers have focused on visiting two or three supermarkets to shop economically, and preferring offers and promotions with product discounts.

With regard to the phenomenon of “reducing the content of the package” at the same price of goods, Mr. Pilidis said that “this the phenomenon is not new, it has only intensified. For example, in washing powders since 2010, the amount has been reduced. Previously, we took washing powder in 3, 5 and 7 kg, but now there are no such kilograms, but only the number of doses (per 1 wash) is indicated.

This trend has spread to other products such as margarine, bath foam, legumes, etc. This is what companies do in order not to raise the price too much – because if the weight were the same, the cost of the goods would increase. factor of. it marketing questionand is done with the aim of product seemed more accessible to the consumer (reducing the quantity and increasing the price per piece).

According to Mr. Pilidis, “There is no trick to this. This is marketing, it is not true that companies are doing this to “rob” the consumer. The price per kilogram is always indicated on the label. The consumer can infer from this what the real increase is.”

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