July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ambitious project: Data center worth hundreds of millions of euros will open in Greece

Google will open a data processing center (DPC) in Greece, the cost of which is estimated at hundreds of millions of euros.

According to Kathimerini, citing his sources, today, September 29, an announcement will be made at a meeting between Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Google Cloud International President Adaire Fox-Martin. The data center project for cloud services will allow three multinational corporations – Microsoft, Google and Amazon – to host their infrastructure at once, and Greece for this “will become one of the few countries in the world outside of North America.”

The foreign infrastructure is expected to significantly accelerate the digital transformation of both the public and private sectors of Greece, as well as support the entire region of Southeast Europe. The volume of investments was not disclosed, but it is known that it is estimated at hundreds of millions of euros. In 2020, Microsoft said it plans to invest up to one billion in data centers in Greece. A similar intention was voiced by Amazon in 2021.

Greece aspires to become the telecommunications center of the region. In particular, it signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia on the laying of transmission cables for the East-Mediterranean Data Corridor. Together with Islalink (Spain), Greece plans to launch a cable across the Ionian Sea in 2023-2024. GreekReporter.

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