July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Man attacked with sickle rushed to hospital

A 43-year-old resident of Ptolemais, who was attacked with a sickle or similar sharp object early Friday morning, was taken to the local Bodosakeo hospital.

According to Kozanimedia, the crime was committed by his close relative after a bitter family showdown. The victim of the attack was seriously wounded in the arm, while he also had a minor wound in the stomach, and he had to be hospitalized. The reasons for the quarrel and subsequent aggression (what exactly happened) are still unknown, the most likely scenario is family conflicts. The police are investigating.

Recall that emotional Greeks often “do not control themselves” in heated quarrels and often grab hold of what comes to hand. Several times in cases considered by law enforcement agencies, the following appeared: axe, a pot of boiling water, carving knives, wooden drains, and more.

Characteristic is the episode that took place in Kallithea. Terrible details were told to the police by shocked local residents who witnessed a showdown between spouses. The husband attacked his wife with an axe.

According to the information, around 21:00 pm on August 10, 2020, residents of the Kallithea metropolitan area heard the heart-rending cries of a woman. She ran down the street, and a man with an ax was chasing her. As it turned out later, the 55-year-old wife was pursued by her 67-year-old husband. Neighbors testify that the couple often had major quarrels. The woman threatened her husband with divorce more than once, because he abused alcohol. Yesterday, once again, in the midst of a quarrel, she again mentioned a divorce, in response, her husband grabbed an ax, threatening to crack down on her. The frightened woman jumped out of the apartment and ran out into the street, fleeing the aggression and crying for help.

At the intersection of Spartis and Arapaki streets, in the center of Kallithea, a man overtook a fugitive and, right in front of the neighbors who went out onto the balconies after calling the police, hit the woman in the back. The victim of the attack fell to the ground and received further ax blows from the enraged husband, on the head and body. There was a panic on the street, the police arrived and saw a terrible sight – a bloodied man and woman lying on the sidewalk.

An EKAB ambulance hospitalized the couple, taking Eρυθρός Σταυρός to the hospital.

According to the information, around 21:00 pm on August 10, 2020, residents of the Kallithea metropolitan area heard the heart-rending cries of a woman. She ran down the street, and a man with an ax was chasing her. As it turned out later, the 55-year-old wife was pursued by her 67-year-old husband. Neighbors testify that the couple often had major quarrels. The woman threatened her husband with divorce more than once, because he abused alcohol. Yesterday, once again, in the midst of a quarrel, she again mentioned a divorce, in response, her husband grabbed an ax, threatening to crack down on her. The frightened woman jumped out of the apartment and ran out into the street, fleeing the aggression and crying for help.

At the intersection of Spartis and Arapaki streets, in the center of Kallithea, a man overtook a fugitive and, right in front of the neighbors who went out onto the balconies after calling the police, hit the woman in the back. The victim of the attack fell to the ground and received further ax blows from the enraged husband, on the head and body. There was a panic on the street, the police arrived and saw a terrible sight – a bloodied man and woman lying on the sidewalk.

An EKAB ambulance hospitalized the couple, taking Eρυθρός Σταυρός to the hospital.

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