July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Residence permits for Russians in Latvia will be extended only in the most extreme cases

The ruling coalition of Latvia has decided that temporary residence permits for Russians will be renewed only in rare cases, and Latvian pensions will not be paid in rubles.

As the portal writes Delphi, this was stated by Krisjanis Karins, the Prime Minister of the country. Concrete official decisions will be made in the coming weeks. He noted that even now Russian citizens are practically not issued residence permits, and a visa can be obtained only in exceptional cases.

Earlier, Latvian President Egils Levits called for similar actions. According to top Latvian officials, Russian citizens will no longer have renewable residence permits, except in special cases. These, Zanda Kalnina-Lukashevicha, parliamentary secretary of the Foreign Ministry, explained on Tuesday, could include marriages. If a citizen of Russia or Belarus is married to a citizen of Latvia, then the basis for a residence permit will be considered sufficient.

In addition to the above, Minister of the Interior Kristaps Eklons announced a mandatory requirement to pass an exam in the state language, which will be put forward for applicants for obtaining a residence permit.

And one more piece of news concerning pensioners, an agreement on which was reached yesterday by the government. Latvian pensioners living in Russia will no longer be able to receive Latvian pension in rubles. This is stipulated by the order adopted yesterday “On opening an account for the payment of pensions of the Republic of Latvia in the Russian Federation.” The country’s Welfare Minister Gatis Eglitis said: “Our main goal is not to make any payments in Russian rubles.”

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