July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The Frenchman forgot his one-year-old son in a hot car

In France, a 14-month-old baby has died of heatstroke, left by his father in a closed car in a parking lot.

The kid spent several hours in a hot car. According to the message Dailymail.co.ukit all happened last Wednesday, when the father, on the way to work, took the child to the nursery.

For some fatal reason, the man completely forgot that his son was in the back seat. Parking the car in the sun, he went about his business, not once remembering the baby.

A 14-month-old baby was found dead in the afternoon in the parking lot of the Safran airline. The resuscitation actions of the rescuers did not help – the child received heat stroke from a high temperature, which led to his death. Emergency services were notified by the mother, who only a few hours later realized that the baby had not reached the nursery.

An autopsy has not yet established the exact cause of the child’s death, however, according to the prosecutor, “the initial investigation shows that the baby died of suffocation and dehydration.”

The parents of the child are in the hospital, they experienced the strongest shock from the tragic incident, writes newsbeast.gr.

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