July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Defencenet: More than 500 Polish mercenaries destroyed in Ukraine

The Greek edition defensenet.gr, citing the Russian Ministry of Defense, reports that only 7,107 foreign mercenaries have visited Ukraine: 2,347 have been liquidated for the entire time, left in 2019, and 2,741 remained.

The publication says: “Russia carefully monitors and registers by name all foreign mercenaries arriving in Ukraine who are going to participate in hostilities on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Moreover, identification is carried out even at the stage of their preparation for entry into Ukrainian territory. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation informed the public about this on July 12 in its report on the progress of the special operation.

The department noted that the bravura statements of the Ukrainian authorities about the arrival in Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian NWO about 20 thousand “wild geese” are not true. In reality, there were three times fewer such “tourists”, and their number is steadily declining. According to the table above, in Ukraine was visited by a total of 7107 foreign mercenaries, 2347 were liquidated for the entire time, they left in 2019, 2741 remained. At the same time, since June 17, 151 foreign mercenaries arrived on Ukrainian territory, but, as a result of the actions of the RF Armed Forces and the allied forces of the LPR and DPR, 391 were destroyed, and 240 decided to leave Ukraine.

Record holders for the number of “soldiers of fortune” who arrived, died and left the Ukrainian land, i.e. in all respects and for all time, are Poland, Romania, UK, Canada, USA and Georgia. At the same time, 166 mercenaries from Poland were destroyed in the last reporting period, and in total more than 500 of them have already been liquidated. Georgia lost 50 of its “volunteers” killed in three weeks, Great Britain – 23, Romania – 21, Canada – 15.

It should be noted that Poland has allocated the most military assistance to Ukraine (not counting the United States), in the amount of about 1.8 billion euros, incl. 232 tanks PT-91 Twardy. True, it must be taken into account that the United States promised to supply it with new weapons for the same amount. And also accepted on its territory more 3 million refugees and temporarily displaced persons from Ukraine.

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