July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

US authorities want to exchange Americans captured near Kharkov

The US authorities are working to include the American mercenaries Alexander Dryuke and Andy Heugin, captured near the Ukrainian Kharkov, in the list of persons whose potential release could be negotiated with Russia.

As writes Washington Post, referring to the relatives of one of them, in the course of another telephone conversation with relatives, he expressed the hope that the American authorities are engaged in his release. Former American soldier Alexander Dryuke, the newspaper reports, is in touch with his family and with representatives of the US State Department.

The situation is complicated by the fact, says the aunt of the captive Diane Shaw, that potential negotiations are complicated by the location of the Americans – on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic. Washington does not recognize the DPR, so there is no American diplomatic presence there.

The State Department said they are in contact with “Ukrainian and Russian authorities” regarding the detained Americans. “We strive to learn as much as possible and are in contact with families,” the diplomatic department said. BB.LV.

Earlier, our publication reported that on June 22, the head of Ukrainian intelligence, Kirill Budanov, who is responsible for the exchange of Ukrainian defenders from Azovstal, announced that Ukraine hopes to release a “significant number” of Ukrainian prisoners “in the near future.” And so it happened: a week later, Ukraine returned 144 prisoners, including 95 defenders of “Azovstal”. The GUR notes that the majority of those released have severe injuries: gunshot and shrapnel wounds, burns, explosive injuries, fractures and amputations of limbs.

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