July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Two fighters "Azov" sentenced to capital punishment

The “DPR” sentenced to death two fighters “Azov”, with the call signs “Fox” (Konstantin Nikitenko) and “Frost”, according to Russian military correspondents.

Earlier it was reported that they want to “trial” the captured Ukrainian soldiers from Azovstal in the “DPR”, where they can be sentenced to death.

Recently, the Donetsk People’s Republic announced the lifting of the moratorium on the execution of death sentences. Now everyone who fought on the side of the armed forces of Ukraine – foreigners and Ukrainian citizens – can be executed, the newspaper reports. “Country”.

Earlier, our publication reported that foreigners sentenced to death by the Russian Foreign Ministry refused in the status of prisoners of war. The Supreme Court of the Donetsk People’s Republic sentenced two Britons Aiden Aslin and Sean Pinner, as well as a Moroccan Brahim Saadoun, who surrendered in Donbass, to death for mercenary.

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