July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece: first case of West Nile virus

The first case of West Nile virus this year has been detected in Greece, according to ΕΟΔΥ. He was diagnosed in Thessaloniki, in the municipality of Ampelokipon Menemenis (Δήμο Αμπελοκήπων – Μενεμένης).

West Nile virus is transmitted, usually through the bite of infected mosquitoes, which become infected from birds carrying the virus (mostly wild). Infected people do not transmit the virus to other mosquitoes.

Infected people usually do not experience severe symptoms and have a mild illness. However, about 1% of those infected develop a severe disease that affects the nervous system – meningitis or encephalitis. At risk are the elderly, as well as citizens suffering from chronic diseases and immunosuppression.

Every year, cases of West Nile virus infection are recorded in many European countries. In Greece, since 2010, infections have been occurring in various regions during the summer and autumn months. Therefore, doctors expect further detection of the disease.

In May of this year, ΕΟΔΥ alerted health care providers in the country to be vigilant about the disease, and in early June issued a public advisory to take precautions against mosquitoes.

In order to ensure the timely implementation of prevention and response measures, ΕΟΔΥ conducts epidemiological surveillance of the disease, promptly investigates all cases of the disease, and cooperates with the relevant national, regional and local authorities.

Virus outbreaks cannot be predicted with certainty. ΕΟΔΥ recommends, writes newsbeast.gr, adhere to measures of individual protection against mosquitoes during the entire period of circulation of insect pathogens:

  1. To protect against mosquitoes, use approved body and environmental insect repellents as directed. Protect windows with mosquito nets, use fans and air conditioners.
  2. Make sure there is no standing water, thereby limiting indoor mosquito breeding sites.
  3. Elderly people and those suffering from chronic underlying diseases should be especially careful to observe preventive and protective measures, and giving preference to long clothing that hides the body.

On the site Hellenic Health Organization see detailed recommendations for protection against West Nile virus, as well as every Tuesday to see an update on the epidemiological situation.


West Nile Fever (WNF) – viral infectiontransmitted to humans by a mosquito bite, the infection is not transmitted through normal contact with an infected person. When infected with the WNV virus, the patient may experience non-specific signs, such as fever and headaches, which occur, for example, with respiratory viral infections. However, the danger of this disease lies in the fact that in a certain part of patients, after infection, the disease takes a severe course with the development of inflammation of the brain or encephalitis, the course of which can be accompanied by adverse consequences and death.

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