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Remove eggs and milk from the refrigerator door

You don’t store eggs on the refrigerator door, do you? This is a big mistake, experts warn, and provide useful recommendations.

As you fill your refrigerator with groceries, you habitually arrange them on shelves and in containers. But are you doing it right? For each product there is a certain place that affects the duration of the shelf life. John Stirzaker of NetVoucherCodes.co.uk explains:

“The way we store food affects how long it stays fresh and how much energy the fridge uses. Temperatures vary from place to place in the fridge, so it’s important to take that into account when storing food. Raw foods are in the coldest area. milk is in the middle and condiments are on the door shelves.I think one of the biggest mistakes everyone makes is to store milk in the door.It seems like the best place for it, but we don’t understand that every time the door is opened and closed, there is a temperature difference.”

How food is laid out in the refrigerator has a significant impact not only on the shelf life of food, but also on how efficiently it works and how much it will cost to operate. In connection with the global rise in prices, the rising cost of living for people, experts call for the proper organization of food storage in order to save money on food costs. The recommendations are not tricky, and their implementation is available to everyone.

1. Milk has no place on the door shelf

Most people are accustomed to storing milk and dairy products on the door, but this, experts say, is the warmest area of ​​​​the refrigerator. When opening / closing the device, temperature drops occur, which does not affect the shelf life and quality of the products in the best way. Cheese, for example, has no place there, but seasonings and sauces on the door shelves will be fine.

2. Store eggs and dairy on the middle shelf

Some models of refrigerators have special recesses for eggs on the door, well, why not put them there? However, eggs, and milk, and dairy products do not like temperature changes. The best place for them is the middle shelf inside the refrigerator.

3. For meat products – the coldest zone

For fish and meat, choose the coldest place. But not everything is so simple – for some models of the refrigerator it is located at the top, while for others it is in the back of the lower shelf. In order not to be mistaken, you need to look into the instructions for the device or simply use a thermometer.

4. Pull-out containers – for vegetables

Vegetables and some fruits are perfectly preserved in special drawers. There they retain moisture and stay fresh for a long time.

5. Use the middle and top shelves for ready meals.

As a rule, the leftovers of cooked food are eaten within one to two days. The best place to store them is on the middle or top shelf, they will last such a long time there.

6. Sorting food helps keep track of shelf life

When laying out your purchases, move previously bought food to the front of the refrigerator so that you do not miss the expiration date. By using them in the first place, you can avoid the offensive throwing away of food.

7. An overcrowded refrigerator reduces the shelf life of food.

Despite the global rise in prices and aggressive inflation, sometimes the refrigerator is still pleasantly crowded. Do not flatter yourself – some of the products can be hopelessly damaged due to a tight fit to each other and a violation of air circulation. In this case, the shelf life can be significantly reduced, warns Daily Express.

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