July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Tsipras on Novartis case: ‘We will see you through, Mr Mitsotakis’

“For three years, Mr. Mitsotakis has been trying to manipulate the judiciary. He is trying to hush up the scandal,” said Alexis Tsipras, president of SYRIZA-PS.

“The will of the Judicial Council regarding the alleged collusion in the NOVARTIS scandal is a stumbling block for those who tried to cover it up”, emphasizes Alexis Tsipras.

The President of SYRIZA-PS, in his statement, emphasizes that the decision of the court “completely removes the trumped-up charge of fraud from all the accused and sends the trumped-up indictment of the preliminary investigation to the wastebasket.”

In his attacks on the prime minister, he notes that “Mr. Mitsotakis has been trying to manipulate the judiciary for three years now. He is trying to cover up the scandal. He tries to smear and imprison his political opponents, even journalists who dare to reveal the truth.”

“But the time for justice has come. And the time has come for me to turn the words of the defendants who have turned into accusers. We will see you through, Mr. Mitsotakis.” says the official leader of the opposition. “The scandal you tried to cover up is already here and needs answers” he adds, asking the following questions: “Who was bribed? Who interfered with the judges? Who is hiding the truth and why?

“No matter what you do, you cannot escape responsibility. No matter how much time passes, declares Mr. Tsipras and finally emphasizes that “here, democracy and the rule of law will not be defeated. And justice will prevail.”

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