September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Driver arrested for dropping 11-year-old from bus for not wearing a mask

A driver detained in Thessaloniki for dropping an 11-year-old from a bus because he was not wearing a mask was taken to the prosecutor’s office today for “leaving a minor in danger.”

A man is arrested after the teenager’s father filed a lawsuit because he had to walk through the heat to return home until his mother found the poor fellow. “The driver followed the protocol, but he did not think that the child could get hurt,” says the boy’s father. Speaking to, the father of the 11-year-old boy told how it all happened.

“Thursday morning, the little one left our home in Lesa to go to Liti’s at my cousin’s shop. From the day he left school, he liked to come to help him. Me and his mother were at work. The child asked for time off from us, saying that he would go to a relative. I told him to take the bus, which he had already done more than once, without any problems,” says the father.

“So on Thursday, as usual, he got on the 84B bus, validated the ticket, and got on. In Melissochori the bus stopped because there was a traffic jam on the street. Suddenly, the driver turned around, looked at the passengers and shouted for everyone who was not wearing a mask to get out. My son pulled a T-shirt over his face to cover his nose and mouth, and replied that, unfortunately, he did not have one. Then the driver asked him to get out and opened the door. My child thought that “this is how it should be”, got scared and got off the bus. Shocked, he didn’t know what to do next. After about 40 minutes, my wife realized that the child still hadn’t made it to the relative’s store, became worried when she realized that something extraordinary had happened.

She took our friend who is in Melissochori with her and went in the direction of the bus to find the child. The crying boy was found on a country road, wandering through the heat among the cars, in danger. He did not have water with him, something serious could happen to him. In the end, fortunately, he was found, and the son returned home safe and sound, ”said the father of an 11-year-old boy.

“I want to know what the driver was thinking at that moment when he was dropping a child from the passenger compartment of a public vehicle right in the middle of the road?!” said the father, filled with indignation, adding that “such headless people should be punished, because it’s just a miracle that Nothing bad happened to the child.”

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