September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Joe Biden fell off his bike and…

US President Joe Biden fell off his bike while walking outside his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. This embarrassment was caught on video, as a group of journalists stood nearby and asked him questions. Luckily, he didn’t hurt anything.

After the fall, Biden told worried reporters that he was fine. The presidential pool immediately reported that the fall went well, and no one was hurt – neither Biden, nor the journalists, on whom he awkwardly fell. This happens to him more and more often and causes anxiety.

Media footage shows Biden falling after coming to a complete stop and planting his supporting foot on the ground. The second leg got tangled in the attachment to the pedal, he could not release it and therefore lost his balance.

The 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, has a lot of experience falling off bicycles. In May 2004, he smashed his face when he fell off his mountain bike while walking at his ranch in Texas. A year later, during the G8 summit in Scotland, he fell off his bike, crashing into a police officer. Bush scratched his arms and legs, and the policeman was sent to the hospital with a minor ankle injury.

Two years ago, when falling from a bicycle, broke both legs US Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey Pyatt. The fall happened on a slippery road in the town of Areopoli, in the Peloponnese.

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