June 29, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Useful tips for refugees from Ukraine

Greek Ministry of Immigration and Asylum issued an informational announcement announcing recent changes in the procedure for obtaining asylum and provided answers to 5 key questions regarding refugees from Ukraine.

In particular, as the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum states in its statement, communication channels in Greek, Ukrainian and English have been activated from the first moment through:

  1. information portal on the website of the Ministry ( https://migration.gov.gr/ukraine/)
  2. call center – support service (from Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 22:00, tel: +30 213 1629600)
  3. email address Email address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address.
  4. “Help Ukraine” humanitarian aid platform for NGOs, PTAs, international organizations and any other interested parties.

For the convenience of Ukrainian refugees, as well as their relatives who seek help before or after their arrival in Greece, frequently asked questions and answers were collected, grouped and posted on a special link on the Ministry’s website. Please note that these questions and answers updated daily additional materials.

5 most frequently asked questions and their answers:

  1. With what documents can I come to Greece with children if I only have an identity card and not a passport?
    Citizens of Ukraine who do not have travel documents can enter only through the passport control department of Promakhonas (Greek-Bulgarian border). There you will be given the appropriate document by the staff of the Ukrainian embassy. If you have children with you, you will need to show a certificate of marital status or a birth certificate. If you do not have any of these documents, you must complete and submit a responsible declaration indicating the number of children, their first name, last name, gender and date of birth.
  2. I’m in Greece and I don’t have money for room and board. Where can I stay and get food?
    Until the completion of the process of issuing travel documents, if necessary, there is the possibility of short-term accommodation in the host structure of Sintika, for those who wish. To be accommodated for a longer period and after completing the above process, you can send a request to: Email address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address.
    Then you will receive a response message to your e-mail, in which you will be asked to write down basic information (number of your family members, age, city of Greece where you are, language in which you can communicate), and attach a photo: your passport page ( or other identity document) with your personal data and your visa to enter Greece.
    The Ministry of Immigration and Asylum will immediately provide you with accommodation and meals in their accommodation structures. To facilitate and expedite your housing process, please include in your request the number of family members, their names, gender and age, and any vulnerabilities (severe illness, disability, pregnancy).
  3. Are there time limits for my stay in Greece?
    The maximum period of stay, from the moment you cross the land or air border (the Greek Police will stamp your passport with the date of entry), is 90 days (15 days renewable for another 75 days). However, during this period you are entitled to apply for temporary protection status for one (1) year, with the right to access the labor market and health care, in accordance with Directive 2001/55 of the Council of the European Union, which was incorporated by Presidential Decree 80/2006 into Greek law. Points will be announced in the coming days where the Asylum Service of the Department of Immigration and Asylum will be able to accept your requests and grant you this status.
  4. What is the procedure for obtaining permission for children (nieces) from Ukraine to stay in Greece for as long as necessary, while the parents remain in Ukraine?
    If children enter the country unaccompanied, then the national emergency response mechanism for unaccompanied minors in disadvantaged conditions of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum is activated to transfer children to special emergency accommodation structures, and then the necessary procedure is followed. For more information, you can call 0030 2132128888 (24/7) or send an email to Email address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address.
  5. I want to donate clothes and accept refugees.
    You can express your interest in offering assistance to migrants from Ukraine by filling out a special form, which can be found at the link https://migration.gov.gr/helpukraine Ministry of Immigration and Asylum.

Attention, be careful: in Greece there are scammers who supposedly help refugees, but in fact you can be deceived and robbed. Address only those people whom you know personally (and preferably not a “hatted” acquaintance), or through official government agencies.

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