July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The EU launched a special website for refugees from Ukraine

More than 2 million people have left war-torn Ukraine. To convey the most relevant and important information to refugees, the European Commission has launched a special website.

There, Ukrainians who were forced to leave their country will be able to learn about their rights, obtaining the envisaged status, the nuances of temporary protection in accordance with the new European directive.

Information on the site ec.europa.eu available in different languages ​​and, of course, in Ukrainian. There you can find out about the rules for crossing the border and movement within the European Union, useful phone numbers and addresses are indicated, reports ΑΠΕ ΜΠΕ. The message from the European Commission says:

To date, the war in Ukraine has forced more than two million people to leave their homes in search of safety, protection and help. Many more displaced people move in and out of the country and need shelter and basic information about their rights when they arrive in EU.

The EU countries have decided to grant temporary protection status to Ukrainian refugees at an unprecedented speed. It will be valid for at least a year, with a possible extension if necessary, quotes a statement from the commission. newsbeast.gr:

The EU provides citizens of Ukraine and their family members displaced by the conflict with an EU residence permit, as well as access to housing, health care, education and employment.

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