July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Afghan man attacked a child in the toilet of the mall

On Saturday evening, February 27, an 11-year-old boy was sexually assaulted by a young Afghan man in the bathroom of a shopping center located in the western district of Thessaloniki.

According to exclusive information from the local edition of thestival, which quotes iefimerida.gr, a teenager visited the mall with his mom. At some point, he told her that he was going to the toilet. The offender, as soon as he saw that the boy was alone, without escorts, went to the toilet and decided to act.

When the child was washing his hands, the inadequate migrant attacked him, hugged him from behind, covered the minor’s mouth with one hand and began to feel his body. The boy immediately reacted and ran out of the toilet.

He warned his mother, and she ran to catch the Afghan. Trying to grab him, she stumbled and fell, hitting him. An employee of the mall’s security company intervened and immobilized the perpetrator, who was then handed over to Group Z police officers.

The Afghan was taken to the security department of Levkos Pyrgos. After consultation with the competent prosecutor’s office, the migrant was charged not with attempted rape, but with violation of personal boundaries (insulting sexual dignity).

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