July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Abandoned child at the museum: a parent’s DNA sample found on a wheelchair

Investigation into the incident, when a child in a stroller left by his parents was found near the Archaeological Museum, continues.

The girl was left on Patision Street on Sunday morning. Law enforcement agencies examined the video recordings in order to understand what happened, as soon as possible to establish the identity and find the parents of the baby.

The video from the surveillance cameras shows all the movements of the unknown man, who left a two-year-old girl there. That is, from the moment you enter the courtyard of the museum until you leave it. Passers-by found the stroller with the girl.

The police believe that the man had gone to this place earlier and knew him well, and that is why he left the wheelchair in the “blind zone”, that is, where there is no camera nearby.

Police experts have found a DNA sample on the child seat, which is now being examined. Perhaps the identity of the “would-be parents” will soon be established. The translator also tried to talk to the girl and collect information about her parents. Everything indicates that it is necessary to “scan” the Kipseli and Patissia regions, where many immigrants from African countries live.

The girl continues to be in the Children’s Hospital, nothing threatens her state of health.

Course of events

Passers-by strolling in a public garden near the Archaeological Museum, located in the center of Athens, found a stroller with a child in it. My parents weren’t around. And then they called the police.

A little girl of about 2 years old was taken to the Children’s Hospital, where she underwent the necessary examinations and was completely healthy.

Authorities are looking for information about the man who left the child, as captured in a video published by iefimerida.gr.

The footage shows how a person with a stroller approaches a certain place, leaves it and leaves. The stranger is dressed in red shoes, a tracksuit, and a dark jacket with a white collar.

The investigation is ongoing.

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