September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A Christmas Nightmare: Dark Predictions, Plan "B" for the unvaccinated

The next few days are especially critical for the course of the pandemic in Greece, and health experts are warning of a worsening coronavirus situation, awaiting the climax of COVID-19 by Christmas.

And although the government has already put in place additional restrictions for unvaccinated citizens, there are scripts plan “B”, which is currently being considered by the government. This scenario provides for even more restrictions and possible complete isolation for those who have not yet been vaccinated.

At a Tuesday briefing, Health Minister Thanos Pleuris told reporters two scenarios: good and bad

The positive scenario concerns the peak of infection in the first week of December and subsequent de-escalation. In a negative scenario, the number of cases of infection will rise until the Christmas holidays.

He reportedly admitted that he expected more citizens to attend the vaccination centers, but he said the booster appointments were going very well.

He added that vaccinations are taking place slowly, noting that people over the age of 60 are not interested in the first dose. This unvaccinated group is about 500,000 people.

The government reaffirms its official position against the new general isolation, arguing that neither society nor the economy can afford it, and that vaccination of adults is progressing.

Plan B for the unvaccinated

Next week, a committee of epidemiologists will meet to reassess the situation, while the opportunity is open for new, complementary and more targeted measures.

According to Star TV, the first stage is considering additional restrictions for the unvaccinated, including those regarding admission to restaurants, cafes and commercial stores. Under this plan, the unvaccinated will only be allowed to pick up and carry away purchases if they wish to purchase commercial goods.

If necessary, the requirement to present a rapid test for the unvaccinated in supermarkets will be included, but it is said that this will be the maximum measure that will be chosen.

Virology professor Dimitris Paraskevis told Mega TV on Tuesday that the Rapid Test in supermarkets will do little, adding that the need for compliance in such places is more important.

Dark Predictions: Infection and Death

Athanasios Exadaktylos, president of the Panhellenic Medical Association, said the percentage of unvaccinated patients intubated in hospitals was 95%, with the highest death rate.

He said that, according to the calculated models, “we expected 600 intubated patients at the end of November, and that was a week earlier. This means that the burden on the health care system will increase. ” Other health experts warn of “a sharp escalation of the pandemic over Christmas.”

Konstantinos Gurgulianis, professor of pulmonology and director of the pulmonology clinic of the University of Thessaly, predicted 3,000 more deaths from the aggressive virus by Christmas. In an interview with Star TV, he warned of the spread of the virus in families.

“With simple calculations: if 50-60 people die every day for 50-60 days while this wave lasts, we easily reach the number of 3000 people who will die by Christmas,” he stressed.

Demosthenes Sariyannis, a professor of ecology and medicine, who studies sanitary models, predicted last week that 92 people would die daily from coronavirus-related complications by December 17, and up to 700 coronavirus patients by intubation. (A source: cnngreece )

For the first time in 2021, the number of deaths in 24 hours reached 105 on Monday 22nd November.

EODY Report for Wednesday 24 November.

According to the latest EODY update, today (11/23) there are 7108 new cases. A jump was recorded in the number of intubated, the number of which reached 612, while the death rate reached 93 people. According to a daily update from EODY, 7,108 new cases were reported on Wednesday, of which 12 were identified after entry checks. The total number of cases is 901 661 (daily change + 0.8%), of which 50.6% are men. Based on confirmed cases in the last 7 days, 96 are considered to be related to travel from abroad, and 2295 to a known case. There are 93 new deaths in COVID-19 patients, with a total of 17,612 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic. 95.4% had an underlying disease and / or were 70 years of age or older. The number of patients on intubation is 612 (60.1% of men). Their average age is 65. 80.7% have an underlying disease and / or are 70 years of age or older. Among intubated patients, 499 (81.54%) are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated and 113 (18.46%) are fully vaccinated.

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