July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Scientists predicted when hunger will begin on the planet

German edition Frankfurter rundschau talks about the findings of scientists after a large-scale study, citing the most important from their report:

“Agriculture will be hit hard by climate change, according to NASA.

Oddly enough, the researchers say corn will be hit first. This unpretentious plant is one of the most important agricultural crops:

“In the near future, climate change will begin to negatively affect the cultivation of vital food. It will most affect the cultivation of corn. The fact that, according to a recent study by NASA, climate change may affect this particular plant, will hit the whole of humanity hard. “From popcorn to feeding cows and chickens, hardly any other cereal is used as versatile as corn today. It is one of the most important crops in the world.”

When evaluating possible unfavorable forecasts, NASA scientists took into account many factors:

“NASA researchers have calculated the expected rise in temperature on Earth, and also have not overlooked changes in precipitation and an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. (…) As forecasts show, especially in the tropics, it can become so hot that it can continue to grow crops will become impossible. According to forecasts of NASA, by 2030 the yield will decrease by almost a quarter. “

Translation of the original source inopressa

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