July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mitsotakis: government plans to support the population

The Greek Prime Minister spoke at the annual ΔΕΘ international exhibition, announcing the government’s plan, measures for the economy, youth and support for vulnerable groups.

The National Action Plan for youth was announced by Kyriakos Mitsotakis from the rostrum of the ΔΕΘ International Exhibition (Διεθνής Έκθεση Θεσσαλονίκης).

“I start young. You grew up in crisis, in isolation, in an era of climate change. Before you, I vow to fight to change this image (…). I will be in the forefront with you. I propose a national action plan aimed at youth, which we will discuss together in each region in the coming months, “said Mr. Mitsotakis.

A number of developed initiatives were announced:

Young people under 29 who have no experience will be supported by the state for 6 months, with a payment of 1200 euros upon first employment. 600 will be allocated to employers (as an employee subsidy), and the remaining 600 will go to young people in addition to their salaries so they can spend as they see fit. From 2022, the number of subsidized new jobs will increase to 150,000 from 100,000. Extension of the housing allowance by 1,000 euros per year for students of the state IEK. From January 1, 2022, a special (zero) tariff for mobile communications is introduced for young people under 29 years old. And for teenagers aged 15 to 17 who have been vaccinated, we will offer 50 free gigabytes for mobile phones. Introduction of a digital card, a digital wallet, which will collect all the benefits (measures and government support companies) for young people. From 01.01.22, the tax on the transfer from parents to children of funds and real estate worth up to 800,000 euros has been abolished (φόρος στις γονικές παροχές και δωρεές έως 800,000 ευρώ).

“Strengthening entrepreneurship to create new jobs remains our top priority. And today it is presented in a new package of measures for liquidity, business growth and promotion of green (environmental) and digital investments, ”Mitsotakis said.

In particular:

Capital raising tax is cut in half. Discounts for small and medium enterprises that invest in green and digital technologies. The exemption from solidarity contributions will also apply to the private sector in 2022, as will a 3% reduction in insurance premiums. Individuals and businesses will pay 10% for mobile communications from 2022. Small and medium enterprises that are now merging will be taxed at just 15.5%. The measure will be valid for three years, it is important to strengthen small and medium-sized businesses. In business, the tax falls to 22% on an ongoing basis. Until June, a reduced VAT of 13% on transport, coffee, soft drinks, tourism and cinemas applies to gyms and dance schools. Most households will pay a reduced ENFIA in 2022 (less than in 2021). BRIDGE (ΓΕΦΥΡА) program has been extended for another 3 months. Involvement of the fund for the transition to new energy, covering 80% of the electricity needs of each household of the ALL population of the country. Reducing the VAT on livestock feed to 6% on farms. Increase of subsidies for heating by 20%. Cancellation of special communication charges for young people under 29 and reduction to 10% for the rest of the population. Suspension of Pay TV Payment. A 30% reduction in income tax for individuals who spend up to € 5,000 through electronic transactions in certain sectors (e.g. plumbers, electricians, household services, gyms, taxis, legal services, etc.).

The state decided to provide additional financial support to vulnerable categories of citizens. Thus, in December, all recipients of the minimum guaranteed income will be paid twice the amount.

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