July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Kennedy’s killer may be released after half a century in jail

After serving 50 years behind bars, the killer of Robert Kennedy became eligible for early release.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the assassin of Senator Robert Kennedy, brother of former US President John F. Kennedy, spent half a century in prison. Palestinian Serhan Serhan, who was 24 years old at the time of the murder, was convicted of a crime and sentenced to death.

Then the sentence was mitigated, replacing it with life imprisonment. Robert Kennedy was assassinated in June 1968 at a hotel located in the suburbs of Los Angeles.

The 77-year-old Palestinian received the right to apply for parole back in 1972. In the period 1983-2006, he tried several times to use it by submitting petitions. However, each time the prisoner received refusals, the last time was in 2016.

Now the prosecutor’s office did not object to the early release of Serhan Serkhan, in addition, the parole commission received many letters in support of the Palestinian. And the prisoner, who spent half a century in prison, received the right to be released.

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