September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Glyfada: model, cocaine, mobile phone and … VIP clients

The contacts of a famous model arrested in Glyfada for drug trafficking are under the microscope of the authorities.

Yesterday, a 30-year-old young lady received an adjournment for the third time to testify and through her lawyer declared her innocence and ignorance of drugs found in a luxury jeep.

As it became known, 35 packages of cocaine were found under the seat of the jeep. The accused claims that someone else placed them there without her knowledge, possibly to “frame” her. The famous model has no criminal record and has never been associated with the police before.

In any event, the authorities’ investigation will continue. The girl’s contacts and her mobile phone will be carefully examined. Based on the analysis of the data obtained from the mobile phone, the authorities will try to find out if she is telling the truth. The contacts will help to clarify the situation regarding who could be the suppliers of drugs, and who – the recipients-buyers.

Police sources note that VIP cocaine traffickers with a “large” clientele have been caught in the southern suburbs in the past. Experienced police add that in many cases the networks find “easy victims”, that is, girls who have no experience of trafficking in illegal substances, as a result of which they are less likely to be arrested (use “in the dark”). Drug dealers “choose” girls because of their wide circle of acquaintances, which opens the “door” to clients with excellent financial situation.

Particularly in areas of the southern suburbs such as Glyfada, an earlier police investigation found that cocaine was delivered “home” by traffickers who sell it at a very high price, “touting” good quality. In the past, the security service has investigated cocaine trafficking in major nightclubs in the southern suburbs. The area, police sources explain, is a very lucrative “marketplace”.

Authorities will investigate whether there is an organized network of drug traffickers delivering cocaine to wealthy clients and the possible involvement of a well-known model. However, so far, there is no evidence in the case file to confirm her guilt. What surprised the police was the young woman’s nervousness even before the police began to search her car. The investigation continues.

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