July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The guy threatened to kill the girl, having her intimate photos in his arms

“He threatened to kill me, he had my photographs half-naked,” says the girl, the victim of a 21-year-old criminal who was blackmailing me to meet with him. What a 20-year-old Serres resident told about him is shocking.

In a conversation with the police, the girl said that she had received threats from the guy. According to STAR, he constantly insisted that he would deal with her and kill her younger sister.

“He sent me some pictures of me half naked and said that if I didn’t meet him, he would post them on social media for general viewing.”

“He said that when he found me, he would kill me … There were other threats of reprisals against me and my loved ones,” says the victim of the cybercriminal, and adds: “I was under severe psychological pressure when he sent me some of my photos intimate nature, and said that if I do not meet with him, he will post them on Facebook. “

As a result, her friend, who was familiar with the criminal, decided to protect the girl and hid her from the aggressive guy. For this he paid. The offender dealt with the guy by stabbing him with a knife.

The family that lost their son believes that the crime was deliberate. According to the family lawyer, “a person who goes to a meeting with a knife and takes his life plans his crime in advance and eventually implements it.”

How the murder happened

Early Tuesday morning, the suspect attacked his 20-year-old young friend and fatally wounded him, because he took away (hid from him) the girl.

Reportedly, the perpetrator regularly visited the village of Ano Kamila for a month, since his maternal grandfather lives there, and thus got to know his peers, the inhabitants of the village.

At noon on Tuesday, the police managed to find the criminal in the place where he was hiding and arrest him. The accused was taken to the Serres Police Department. It should be noted that the alleged murderer of the young man posted on the social network a photo and video with a knife, with which he killed the unfortunate young man.

In the photo, the criminal, naked to the waist, holds a knife to his mouth and writes a terrible comment: “every time I kill someone, I write about it in a story.” This, according to forensic experts, means the young man may have posted the photo after he killed his rival friend.

In addition to the creepy photo, there is a video in which the criminal demonstrates the possession of a cold weapon. And at some point, he focuses the camera of his phone on the knife, showing blood on the blade. A terrible action takes place against the background of music.

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