July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The cruelty of fate – why the best leave so early …

Kavala: Ironically, on the day that a successful applicant in 2019 found out about her admission to a medical school, 2 years later, she lost the battle for her life.

She was named the best in the 2019 Panhellenic exams. An applicant from Kavala, Mirto Furuntsoglu, was recognized as the first in terms of the amount of points scored and became a student of a higher educational institution in the medical field, her most cherished dream came true.

However, soon after admission, doctors diagnosed the girl with brain cancer. Two years of persistent struggle with the disease, alas, ended unsuccessfully – Mirto died, reports kavalapost.gr.

The girl not only studied well in her chosen specialty, but also devoted time to her second hobby – she was known and loved at the Kavala Municipal Conservatory. Cosmas Charpantidis, President of ΔΩΚ, says:

The Municipal Conservatory of Kavala expresses its deepest condolences to the parents and family of the unfortunate student Mirto Furuncoglou, who was one of DOK’s most distinguished students and was distinguished by her love of music and fortitude.

The teacher Mirto also regrets the tragic event:

“Our school says goodbye to our beloved student Mirto Furocoglu. Rest in peace, our beloved Mirto, I will always remember you. Your teacher, Sofia Sarikloglou. “

And in these videos, Mirto Furuntsoglu, full of hopes and plans for the future, gives an interview in the summer of 2019, after his brilliant admission to the university:

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