September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Expert: "By the end of July-beginning of August, we will easily reach 75% of vaccinations"

Pulmonology professor Nikos Tsanakis spoke today about the progress of vaccinations in the country, concerns about the Indian strain, rumors about the AstraZeneca vaccine, and the discussion that began around the “privilege for vaccinated”.

“I am optimistic about the progress of vaccination. We currently have about 7.3 million people who have chosen to get vaccinated. 30% have taken both doses and 40% are awaiting a second dose. I believe that by the end of July and beginning of August we will easily reach 75% of vaccinations. The pandemic index drops as soon as we reach 30%.

Of course, we will welcome tourists from all over the world, even potential carriers of the coronavirus mutations and the Delta strain in particular. Recent research has shown that both AstraZeneca and Pfizer are very good at treating this mutation, ”said Mr Tsanakis.

“Then it just became our attention. The D strain is an Indian mutation that is transmitted 40-60% more often than the British. In the places where it was found, it dominated only for a few weeks.

We’re talking about the fourth wave in September, but the mutation could also be tourist-related, so it could start prematurely in the summer.

Therefore, we must all complete our vaccinations to ensure that 70-75% of those vaccinated, to ensure that we have no problems in the summer, and continue to strengthen the epidemiological situation this fall. “And then only the unvaccinated will be affected by a serious illness and death,” the expert explained.

“Vaccinations limit the dynamics of the 4th wave. We do not exclude a small wave at the end of September, but if the amount of vaccines exceeds 80-85%, there will be no wave at all. The more contagious the strains, the more vaccinated people are needed to ensure safety, ”continued Mr Tsanakis.

Regarding how immunity is achieved with vaccines, he explained that, “according to studies done on younger people under 35, they acquire high immunity from the first dose. However, as we age, we need both doses. With the second dose, a person acquires full immunity. After that, it takes 3 weeks to measure chemical immunity. Cellular immunity lasts longer. ”

“The Committee of Epidemiologists was right in their decisions on the AstraZeneca vaccine.”
Referring to the rumors surrounding the AstraZeneca vaccine, the professor noted that “the vaccination committee was right in making the decisions that were made. We have a variety of vaccines, so you can pick the one you want right now.

Those of you who have started vaccinations must complete them. And, as a rule, AstraZeneca is preferred by people over 60 years old. The committee rightly opened the platform to all ages and all vaccines. This was done in order to satisfy the requests of those who doubted whether to get vaccinated or not. “

“The virus is here, it is in the community, and those who are not vaccinated can get sick at any time. Vaccination protects not only us, but also other people who are vulnerable. We have a social and human duty to get vaccinated, ”said the specialist.

Finally, speaking about raising the issue of benefits for vaccinated people, Mr. Tsanakis said that “privileges for vaccinated people make people think about discrimination. But we could say that vaccinated people may have the opportunity and freedom to move or communicate. We need to correctly explain this kind of freedom. “

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