September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ukraine USA: External Governance? No, it’s manual control

The West wants to take Ukraine under external leadership and ensure that no one can influence the processes inside the country! The US embassy said that today the oligarchs are trying to destroy institutions, laws and other achievements that weaken their political and economic influence in Ukraine.

The text published by the US Embassy openly states that “political and economic control over Ukraine” is exercised by “independent anti-corruption institutions” created after 2014. And the main enemies are precisely the oligarchs who are trying to weaken this control.

Transformations in Ukraine are not progressing as quickly as Washington would like. Reforms need to be accelerated and strengthened. And in order for this to happen, it is necessary to create, they say in the American embassy, ​​independent commissions of advisers, which will decide whether this or that candidate is suitable for the relevant public office or not.

“Since these commissions will ensure that candidates with high professionalism and competence will be selected for the positions of future judges, the head of the SAP and the director of NABU – that is, those who will prosecute corrupt officials,” the statement said.

American diplomats stressed that candidates for these positions must have significant foreign experience, and also not have any prejudices, conflicts of interest or hidden plans. According to the US Embassy, ​​this will help Ukraine become a “modern European nation.”

We just need to strengthen the political and economic control of the “international partners” a little more. True, the Ukrainian authorities are reluctant to give the Americans full control over the courts and the law enforcement system. Because this nullifies Zelensky’s chances for a second term. But Bankova has less and less room for maneuver.

And although the statement turned out to be so frank that, in fact, it leaves no doubt about who is the real power in Ukraine, no one here is outraged by them: this is a senior partner, he will not advise bad things. At the moment, only Maria Zakharova, director of the information and press department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, was surprised:

“I read with great interest the fresh statement of the US Embassy and the EU Delegation in Ukraine? ? The Ukrainian people were humiliated in different ways. But never like this? “

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