September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus replied to the Phanar hierarch, who called the pope his patriarch

Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus noted that “even the most fanatical Uniate will envy the compliments of Metropolitan Polycarp to the heresiarch” Pope “Francis.

Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus of the Greek Orthodox Church criticized the words of the Metropolitan of Italy and Exarch of Southern Europe Polycarp, who called Pope Francis his patriarch, the Greek website reports. “Romfeya”

Metropolitan Seraphim wrote an open letter to Metropolitan Polycarp, in which he noted that he was shocked by his statements: “We could not discern whether these words belonged to an Orthodox bishop or an adherent of the papacy (Uniate – Ed.)!”.

According to Metropolitan Seraphim, “even the most fanatical Uniate (a papist in Orthodox clothes) will envy Metropolitan Polycarp’s unacceptable compliments to the unrepentant heresiarch“ Pope ”Francis.

Commenting on the words of Metropolitan Polycarp that his meeting with the Pope went very well and cordially, Metropolitan Seraphim wrote that “the” cordiality “of his meeting with the heresiarch does not surprise us much, because our” own “unbridled adherents of the” Union of Churches “literally celebrate every meet my dad. “

“We are also not surprised that Polycarp feels with his dad” the son of his beloved father. ” To consider a heretic and usurper of the patriarchal throne of Rome or anyone else as his father is Polycarp’s problem. However, we are surprised that Polycarp is called the bishop of the Orthodox Church and calls the unrepentant heresiarch his patriarch, ”emphasized Metropolitan Seraphim.

The hierarch of the Church of Greece wonders how long ago Pope Francis became the “Ecumenical Patriarch”? “Did the” Unification of the Churches “take place and was its Italian diocese taken under the” protection “of ancient Rome, what is hidden from us? Did he (Metropolitan Polycarp – Ed.) Join the Uniates, became a papal priest and simply wears Orthodox vestments? ”Asks Metropolitan Seraphim.

Metropolitan Seraphim, commenting on the words of Metropolitan Polycarp, who wished God to grant the Pope many years of life to serve for the good of the Ecumenical Church, recalled that the Pope is an “unrepentant heretic,” and the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church is accused of thousands of sexual crimes and atrocities against to the Orthodox, in particular, about “880,000 Orthodox Serbs killed by the Ustasha hordes at the instigation of the Vatican, Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Zagreb Aloisy Stepinac, convicted by the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity.”

In addition, Metropolitan Seraphim asks how Metropolitan Polycarp knows that “the path of Orthodox and Catholics to complete unity is nearing the finish line”: “Does he know anything that is hidden from believers? Did he not “give away” a “secret”, the realization of which we will be surprised at through the “union of churches”? How solid are the rumors about the upcoming “union”? “

In this regard, Metropolitan Seraphim “with great humility and love” called on Metropolitan Polycarp to publicly ask for forgiveness for his statements, “in order to appease the offended Orthodox people” and, most importantly, God. And he recalled that “the admission of our mistakes, our repentance is not an act of cowardice, but the basic Christian virtue and heroism.”


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