September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The man who fired at a five-story building in Alimos was detained

A man who fired a pistol at an apartment building in Alimos early last Tuesday morning (1/6) was arrested by the police.

As it turned out, the police first found the shooter’s car, and then a 34-year-old Greek drunk in Drabadan. An unregistered pistol was found in his possession, from which he fired 8 shots. This is not the first time a 34-year-old man has been arrested. Some time ago, he already had legal trouble for illegal possession of weapons.

During the preliminary investigation it turned out that the shooter’s target was not an apartment building, which he stuffed with bullets with trembling hands. And not even the apartment on the third floor, where the elderly couple live, and where most of the bullets fired by the shooter were found.

The detainee himself was able to indistinctly hum to the police that he had no specific target, but he saw two motorcycles following him and decided that they were following him. According to him, fearing for his life, he fired 8-9 times in the air on the move, through the car, in order to be able to escape.

For this reason, six bullets hit the walls of an apartment building, past which he was driving. In addition to the weapons confiscated in the car, 2 clips, 10 cartridges and a small amount of drugs were found.

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