July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

New facts in the kidnapping case of 10-year-old Markella

A new round of investigation into the kidnapping of a minor girl at the school door should be completed in the coming months.

Further investigation into the highly publicized kidnapping case of a 10-year-old girl in Thessaloniki, who was abducted and sexually abused by a 34-year-old woman in June last year, is ongoing. Instead of referring the case to the court, it was decided to return it for further investigation, on the fact of the newly discovered information.

The investigator was instructed to immediately start a new investigation into the involvement of additional individuals, according to the statement. To this end, the competent police authorities will re-examine the phone calls of the abductor, removing the confidentiality stamp, since it is necessary to find out whether she has talked with people with whom she is involved in child pornography.

Earlier, based on the results of the main interrogation, the prosecutor proposed to appoint her as the only accused under the articles: kidnapping, rape, drug-related crimes, etc. In the same document, the prosecutor suggested not to try the accused “for pornography.”

The Judicial Council (δικαστές του Συμβουλίου), in parallel with further investigation, decided to extend the detention of the arrested woman for six months, who is currently in the Eleonas Women’s Prison in Thebes.

Chronicle of events

The 10-year-old schoolgirl disappeared on Thursday 11/06 at noon as she was returning home from a school located just 200 meters from the house. The girl was walking home with a classmate when she heard a woman shout at her. According to the girl’s friend, she thought that Markella knew the woman who called out to her. When the girl stopped, she came up to her, said something, took her hand, and they left together.

Markella herself told the police about the woman she saw. She said she was about 30-35 years old and relatively skinny. The lady was wearing black leggings, a blouse of the same color, and she had red hair. The police believe it may have been a wig. According to the girl, the woman said: “Come with me, I want to convey something to your mother.” Obeying the elder, the diligent little girl went with her. After which no one saw her, until this Saturday morning.

The girl was discovered on the street, near a gas station in Kalamaria, by an indifferent local resident Yorgos Iconomou. According to him, the minor walked alone, looking upset and exhausted. The man asked her what she was doing alone with her school bag on a day when schools were closed, and the girl replied, “I want to go home.” The man asked her where she lives and what her name is, immediately realizing that this is the girl who was put on the wanted list by the media.

Despite the fact that the little girl asked not to call the police, apparently frightened by what she had to endure, the man immediately notified ΕΛΑΣ. Markella was taken to the police headquarters in Thessaloniki in a patrol car. During a conversation with a psychologist at the police department, the girl complained that the kidnapper kept her in handcuffs all this time, which rubbed her hands … And at the moment when she dropped her out of the car and ordered her to return home, she put 30 euros in the baby’s pocket …

The red-haired suspect was later detained by the police. During interrogation, she did not admit criminal intentions towards the girl. However, thanks to the work of psychologists with Markella, memories of the days spent with a stranger began to return to her. It turned out that the girl was being trained to become a “porn star”, and the kidnapper, for shooting the girl in the bathroom, allegedly received a substantial sum.

To erase her memory, the girl was stuffed with drugs (sedatives) added to the juice.

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