September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Expert: those who are vaccinated don’t need a mask

Manolis Dermitzakis, professor at the University of Geneva School of Medicine, has advocated the removal of restrictions and obligations for those who have been vaccinated.

“We can start to provide exemptions from certain obligations (distancing, holding joint activities, not wearing a mask) to people who have been vaccinated, that is, a group of six who will be outdoors,” suggests Manolis Dermitzakis, adding that “ it was done in the USA. The same should be done in Greece. Vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks. “

Safety comes with the beginning of summer
“The decline in the number of cases of the virus is consistently recorded at about 10% each week, but the rate is relatively low. However, in the summer we will see a reduction in the spread of the virus and feel safe, ”added the professor.

Speaking about the opening of restaurants, the professor noted that “catering establishments have a huge advantage – communication in the fresh air, which we must take advantage of.” “We need to create incentives that do not increase the risk of transmission and that relieve those who have been vaccinated from the obligation to comply with strict measures,” he said of the people who have been vaccinated.

Vaccines are not harmful
“Deniers need to understand and understand why vaccines are not harmful. The punitive model of applying sanctions to them will not increase their antibody levels. And this is exactly what we want to achieve – so that people stop worrying and consciously look at things with a sober look, ”concluded the expert.

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