September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Bloomberg has published a new rating of the safety of countries

Singapore leads the list of the safest countries in terms of a pandemic, according to a new study by Bloomberg, according to The New Zealand Herald.

On Tuesday, the publication, citing Bloomberg, reported that Singapore confidently bypassed New Zealand, which was in the lead in the past list of the safest countries in terms of coronavirus. This was possible thanks to the high pace of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign – in Singapore, already 20% of the population has been vaccinated. The effective restrictive measures adopted by the government also played an important role.

To calculate the determination of a place in the list of safe countries, indicators of the rate of vaccination, the number of cases and deaths, the number of tested are processed. The Russian Federation was on the 22nd place in this list, gaining 60.9 points. In terms of key indicators, it is ahead of countries such as Ireland (57.7 points), Spain and Portugal (59.7 points each), Austria (54.2), Germany (54.9), TASS informs.

Singapore managed to score 79.7 points, New Zealand – 79.6. The leaders are also Australia (76.2) and Israel (74.9), which took the third and fourth places. Argentina (41.4), Poland (40.6) and Brazil (39.1) were at the bottom of the list of 53 countries. The United States moved up to 17th place, South Korea and Denmark did not change their positions after March, and in India The situation is rapidly deteriorating – over the past week, more than 2 million people have fallen ill there.

IN Greece from the beginning of the pandemic, as of April 27: 334 436 cases of infections, 10 087 deaths (3%), 291 153 recovered (87.1%), currently 33 196 (9.9%) sick. 7,870,447 tests have been made in the country.

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