September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Antonis Kanakis: "Open schools and kindergartens immediately!"

Antonis Kanakis vehemently criticizes the measures introduced, expressing his opinion about the “frozen in timelessness of the education system.”

“Enough! Open them now! ”, – says Antonis Kanakis, the host of the popular“ Radio Arvila ”program, where news is discussed“ on the head of the day ”about schools.

Antonis Kanakis, clearly annoyed by the government’s decision to keep schools closed, asked during yesterday’s Radio Arvyla broadcast to open all levels of the country’s education system. “It is impossible to replace the unique period in a person’s life (attending school), when the foundations of socialization and his relationships with peers are laid. – says the popular TV presenter. “The same cannot be said about distance learning.”

“Open schools tomorrow! In the end, do it no matter what, ”continued Antonis Kanakis.

“When the epidemiological indicators improve, everything is closed here. As soon as there is an increase in the number of cases, everything opens up. You yourself understand what you are doing ?! ”, – says the presenter, criticizing the current situation in the country, which is in the grip of prolonged quarantine and severe restrictions.

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