September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The rise in prices leaves no hope for "bright future"

The consequences of the global energy crisis hit the pockets of the people of Greece. There is an increase in prices for essential goods.

The energy crisis, according to experts, will significantly burden the family budget, as the coming winter is expected to be especially difficult for consumers. Prices for basic products have already begun to rise, reaching historic highs in recent years.

According to ELSTAT data, in August prices for fresh vegetables increased by 21.5% compared to last year. This will also apply to pasta (up to 15%), frozen foods (up to 25%), coffee (up to 5%), cheese (up to 4%) and a number of other products.

Characteristically, world food prices in September 2021 increased by almost 33% compared to the corresponding period last year. According to, global prices have risen more than 3% since July, reaching levels not seen since 2011.

New measures for 2022
The draft budget for 2022 is being submitted to parliament. Among the new measures to support the population, it is envisaged to increase the minimum wage by 2%. Thus, from today’s 650 euros, it will rise to 663 euros. This measure will come into force on 1.1.2022. However, it should be noted that the issue of raising the minimum wage by 12%, to 743 euros, is under consideration. In addition, solidarity contributions are expected to be frozen for next year, while reductions in employee and employer premiums will be maintained.

According to the MEGA report, the reduced VAT of 13% will be preserved and applies to both products and services: coffee, soft drinks, transport, cinemas, tourist package of services, gyms, dance schools. In addition, in 2022, a reduction in ENFIA is expected, and from January 1, mobile telephony fees for young people from 18 to 29 years old will be abolished. The rest of the population will see a decline of 12 to 20%. Finally, from the new year, a 30% tax deduction (tax incentives) will be applied to citizens who have submitted receipts from plumbers, electricians, painters, as well as staff providing assistance around the house (cleaning, taking care of children, helping around the house).

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