September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Coronavirus and age – recommendations of an expert of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the elderly

Director of the Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center of the Russian National Research Medical University named after V.I. NI Pirogova RF Olga Tkacheva talks about the features of the coronavirus in the elderly in an interview published today, given to the Izvestia newspaper.

Olga Tkacheva reported that every third elderly person with coronavirus has a severe ailment, and every tenth gets on a ventilator. The geriatrician recommends the creation of special programs that would help the elderly to successfully rehabilitate after an illness and prolonged isolation. The expert draws attention to the fact that a decrease in the number of social contacts, as well as a decrease in cognitive and physical activity, accelerate the aging process:

“Against this background, in older people, muscle mass and strength decreases (sarcopenia develops), the risk of falls increases, osteoporosis progresses, depression develops, memory suffers. prognosis. For example, for a quick recovery requires a significant amount of protein, a fairly high caloric intake. Therefore, we have developed special nutrition programs. “

In more detail, the geriatrician focused on the recommendations for those suffering from sarcopenia syndrome, a decrease in muscle mass, which develops in most elderly people in connection with coronavirus infection:

“To correct this syndrome, special physical activity and nutrition are used with an increase in the amount of protein. For young people, we recommend 0.8 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, and older people who have suffered from COVID-19 need from 1.2 to 1, 5 g per 1 kg of body weight “.

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