October 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Sleep with or without socks

Wearing socks before bed may not sound all that appealing, but research shows that it is very beneficial.

It is stated that “we are all looking forward to the moment when we can go home, put on pajamas and socks, go to bed and relax (and most importantly, keep our feet warm!).” Those who follow this tactic reap many benefits to their health, as a number of studies confirm that Wearing socks while sleeping improves not only the quality of your sleep, but also your sex life.

People who wear socks to bed fall asleep faster and have better sleep quality. Additionally, studies have shown that if a couple wears socks during intercourse, they are more likely to achieve orgasm.

Besides Wearing socks while sleeping reduces menopausal symptoms because warming the feet helps the body lower its temperature, thereby reducing the symptoms of hot flashes.

Researchers note that people whose limbs warmer than room temperature, more likely to fall asleep faster.

Warming cold feet causes blood vessels to dilate, which signals the brain that it is time to sleep.

Researchers found that cold hands and feet linked to insomnia. It is better to put on socks before going to bed, so that your sleep is pleasant and not only…

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