October 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A 15-Second Trick to Help You Stop Your Thoughts and Get a Sound Sleep

When thoughts take over our mind, it is a sign of stress. The expert offers simple exercises that will help you find peace, stop spinning the “word mixer” in your head and fall asleep peacefully.

According to the doctor, a deep breath is all that is needed to slow down our thinking. Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist and brain imaging researcher from California, suggests the following method:

  1. Inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for one and a half seconds.
  2. Exhale for eight seconds, again holding your breath for one and a half seconds.

This 15-second breath, which Amen calls diaphragmatic breathing, if repeated for three to four minutes, will help you calm down. Amen also recommends trying vigorous exercisewhich have been shown to increase levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin in the brain.

Fairley Fabrette, a psychologist at McLean Hospital who practices at Harvard, notes that stress is often a cause of “fast thinking.” “People who struggle with constant train of thought constantly worry about what needs to be done, what hasn't been done, what should happen, or obsess over past, present, and future situations.” says Fabray.

When “fast thoughts” take over your mind, you are unable to stay focused and feel trapped, which makes you even more anxious and stressed. We need to break this vicious circle“, she adds. Along with Amen and Fabray, the expert recommends playing sports. Even Ten push-ups or ten jumping jacks (vigorously swinging your arms) are enough to relieve stress.

She also suggests acknowledging these thoughts (yes, this is a thing, and I can handle it!) to gain a sense of control over it. You can count your breaths, distract yourself by reading, or call a friend (as long as it's not 4 a.m., of course).

The Cleveland Clinic notes that a brain that's constantly working can make it difficult to fall asleep. Sleep specialist Michelle Drerup offers the following tips:

  • Meditate before bed.
  • Practice progressive muscle relaxation by intentionally tensing and relaxing each muscle group in your body.
  • Don't look at a screen (TV, laptop, phone) before going to bed.
  • Write down negative thoughts in a “worry” journal and positive thoughts in a “gratitude” journal.

“Eating your last light meal before bed (at least 2 hours before) leads to a calmer/relaxed body and more positive thoughts,” Drerup said.

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