September 19, 2024

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Ukrainian Diaspora Abroad

Russia's invasion in 2022 changed all international processes and phenomena related to Ukraine. The issues of the diaspora – Ukrainians permanently residing abroad – were no exception.

Millions of Ukrainians who have left the country since 2022 have fundamentally changed the structure and geography of the diaspora. The fact that a significant number of children left with them added challenges, including the preservation of their identity. Pavel Grod, President of the Ukrainian World Congress, during his visit to Kyiv told “European Truth” on the new role of the diaspora, assistance during the war, the assimilation of Ukrainians in European countries and much more. Below are the main points without any cuts.

In total, more than 25 million Ukrainians live outside of Ukraine. The Ukrainian diaspora has never been so large in history. More precisely, I believe that this number is closer to 30 million or even higher. 25 million is a conservative, confirmed estimate, including 5-7 million who left Ukraine after the full-scale invasion

In total, we count five waves of emigration. Those who left after 2022 are the fifth wave. And the first representatives of the ancient Ukrainian diaspora came to Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil and other countries back in the 19th century. Their descendants have been living outside Ukraine for four or five generations, some have forgotten their language. And yet they realize that they are Ukrainians and are proud of it. And now we are trying to turn them into a “political diaspora” – this did not exist before the full-scale invasion.

It is also necessary to admit the opposite – many of those who left completely lost their Ukrainian identity, refused to be Ukrainians. It is impossible to count their numbers. Now it is important to preserve Ukrainian identity in the largest number of those who left during the Great War and to create conditions for the post-war return of people to their homeland.

Since 2022, 600 thousand school-age children have gone abroad. Of these, more than half, 320 thousand, attend Ukrainian schools. That is, the other half does not participate in Ukrainian education. Why?

Many parents believe that this requires studying in two schools at the same time – for example, going to a Czech school for a full day, and then studying in a Ukrainian school for half a day. Although in fact there is no such requirement from the government. The Ministry of Education requires that children study only three subjects: history, literature and language. The ministry has already simplified the rules on this matter.

Now the question is how to inform parents and relatives of Ukrainian children about this possibility – about the fact that The Ministry of Education will recognize all other subjects. And this is not just important. This is a big threat to Ukrainian security!

Without school and without communication, children will lose their language and Ukrainian identity and will assimilate into the society of the country where they live. As a result, after the war ends, this entire family will not return to Ukraine. Because the mothers will most likely decide to stay in the new environment to which the child now belongs.

Moreover, in such a case Ukraine faces another wave of emigration: men who are fighting today will want to be united with their families after the war and will be forced to go abroad for this. But In families where children retain their Ukrainian identity, the chances of their return to Ukraine are much higher.

Don't underestimate that European governments are interested in the assimilation of Ukrainianswho found refuge with them. Therefore, there are requirements that Ukrainian children study in the language of the country where they live – German, etc.

At the same time, in words, the representatives of the authorities of the European country say politically correct things: they say, we want Ukrainians to return to Ukraine and take part in the post-war reconstruction, but while they live with us, they should feel like their own, like at home. That is why we want them to study in our language, to integrate. I am not against integration, but there is a big reservation regarding assimilation.

However, it should be noted that integration without assimilation is possible. I am integrated into Canadian society, but this does not prevent me from considering myself Ukrainian. Remaining Ukrainians is not just about studying online at school. We need institutions that educate children as conscious Ukrainians.

I will give my personal example. My parents immigrated to Canada after the Second World War and lived a Ukrainian life there, thanks to the fact that Ukrainians in Canada created this opportunity. There were Ukrainian churches, cultural centers, youth centers. In Canada, the USA, Australia there are Ukrainian student organizations, cultural organizations (although there is a need for more of them there too).

But at EUwhere the bulk of Ukrainians are now located, this infrastructure does not exist. Their construction is one of our main goals. European states will never consider it their task to preserve the identity of Ukrainians. If we expect that, we are fooling ourselves. They will not do it.

There may be political statements in support of the Ukrainian community. They can provide premises if we ask for this help. But all this will be possible only if there is our initiative, if we prove that we ourselves need it. And we are not talking about the initiative of the Ukrainian state, but about the communities, the people themselves.

Ukrainians with children somewhere in the EU should not wait for someone to organize a kindergarten for them: create it yourself. If you want to go to a Ukrainian church, build a Ukrainian church.

There is great potential for Ukrainians to become a political force abroad. I give the example of the Jewish people. There are fewer Jews in the world than Ukrainians, but they are a huge political and economic force in many countries. Why can't we achieve the same result?

The recipe is that for hundreds of years in a row they raise their children as conscious Jews. They have their own schools, synagogues. They get together and help each other in business. And it is very important that we, Ukrainians, also feel completely Ukrainian.

A To be Ukrainians is not only to gather for meetings, dress up in embroidered shirts and sing good Ukrainian songs. But, first of all, you need to be politically active, to join political processes in favor of Ukraine.

Of course, many Ukrainians abroad are already helping the state. This includes collecting donations for humanitarian needs and for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the countries where they live. Now, thanks to this, billions of dollars have already been collected, a lot of aid has been transferred – from bulletproof vests to drones. Ukrainians abroad also help politically.

The advocacy work of the Ukrainian World Congress and its constituent organizations reminds the world of the need to support Ukraine. This is a huge force that should not be underestimated. Because politicians will do what society demands of them. So we must make these demands ourselves, as voters, and through our influence in the media.

President Zelensky during the election campaign in 2019 promised to introduce a mechanism of dual or multiple citizenship. And this must be done. Here is my personal example.

I am Ukrainian. My father was born in Ukrainian ethnic territories that are now part of Poland. So I can get a Polish passport at any time – no problem, no exams.

But I, an ethnic Ukrainian, cannot obtain Ukrainian citizenship because the Ukrainian side requires me to renounce my Canadian citizenship and all the privileges that I have with a Canadian passport. Few people are willing to do this.

Given the large number of Ukrainians abroad, we must not lose this resource. Having legislative permission for multiple citizenship, Ukrainians abroad will be able to come and serve Ukraine, work for Ukraine. That is why we welcomed before and welcome now President Zelensky’s initiative on “dual citizenship”.

But at the same time, it is important and very important for us that this law does not introduce several “types” of citizenship. I believe that the fact that a person has multiple citizenship does not indicate anything about the person. After all, there are many traitors who only have Ukrainian citizenship. Among the Ukrainians abroad, there are many who are ready to help in the restoration of the country.

Although it is obvious that dual citizenship will not be permitted for those who hold passports of the Russian Federation or Belarus.”

About Ukrainian Diaspora in Greece Our publication wrote earlier.

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