September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Eurostat: Every seventh Greek experiences serious material and social deprivation

Greece is one of the top three countries EU with the highest percentage of the population experiencing severe material and social deprivation, according to data published by the European statistical agency Eurostat.

In particular in 2023 6.8% of the EU population faced extreme poverty, severe material and social problems. Among the EU countries with the highest percentage is Greece, which with 13.5% (around 1 in 7 citizens) is second only to Romania, which recorded the highest percentage in the EU (19.8%), and Bulgaria (18.0%). The top five countries in the ranking are rounded out by Hungary (10.4%) and Spain (9.0%). In contrast, Slovenia (2%), Cyprus (2.4%), Sweden, Luxembourg and Estonia (all 2.5%) reported the lowest rates.

The level of severe material and social deprivation (SMSD) is an EU-SILC indicator showing acute shortage of necessary items and services (refrigerator, running water) for an adequate lifeThe indicator adopted by the Indicator Subgroup (ISG) of the Social Protection Committee (SPC) highlights people who cannot afford a particular product, service or social activity. On at the household level The following possibilities are being considered:

  • covering unexpected expenses,
  • payment for a week's annual leave away from home,
  • resolving problems with overdue payments (mortgage or rent, utility bills, loan installments),
  • Meat, chicken, fish (or vegetarian equivalent) dishes eaten every other day,
  • home heating,
  • transport for personal use,
  • replacement of old furniture.

On at the individual level taken into account:

  • the ability to connect to the Internet,
  • the opportunity to change worn-out clothes and shoes,
  • leisure activities,
  • meeting with friends to have a feast at least once a month.

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