September 19, 2024

Athens News

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Expert Opinion: Very Popular Diet Raises Diabetes Risk

In recent years, low-carb, high-fat diets such as the ketogenic diet have become all the rage.

The promise of rapid weight loss and improved health are just some of the elements that make this type of diet so appealing. But before you continue limit carbohydrates, you might want to take a look at new research sheds light on the downside of this popular diet.

A recent study by Australian scientists from Monash University and RMIT University disproves the widely held belief about low-carb diets.

Researchers followed more than 39,000 adults for nearly 14 years and found something shocking: People following these diets had a 20% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who ate a more balanced diet.

It is important to understand that Low-carb diets are not just about the amount of carbs you eat, but also the quality of the foods you eat instead.This study shows that people on low-carb dietstend to consume more saturated fat and less fiber, are overweight, have less energy, and smoke. All of these factors are known risks for developing diabetes type 2.

Distinguished Professor Barbora de Courten of Monash University explains that 'saturated fats may lead to weight gain, but they also cause insulin resistancewhich is one of the causes of type 2 diabetes, regardless of weight“So it's not just about how much fat or carbohydrates you consume, but also how does it affect your overall health.

It is clear that healthy eating is not only about numbers and percentages. No less The quality choice of food products is also importantFor example, consumption of refined sugar and white grains should be replaced with unrefined carbohydrates rich in fiber, such as whole grains, brown rice and legumes.

So before we move on to strict low-carb diet, Remember that a balanced diet, regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight are the foundation of good health and diabetes prevention.

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