September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How Often Do You Shower? What Does It Say About Your Psychology?

How often you decide to shower is not a random occurrence and is not subject to the hygiene rules you want to follow, but also indicates your psychological state.

Our daily habits say a lot about us, even if we don’t realize it. Simple things like how long we sit in the bathroom, what we eat, and what music we listen to can tell you a lot about a person you didn’t know before. New research showed that what How lonely you feel is directly related to the amount of time you spend in the bath. Scientists claim that there is a direct connection between these concepts (mental state, taking a shower).

In a Yale University study, the first stage of which involved 51 people aged 18 to 45, they were asked to fill out a questionnaire with questions about their personal hygiene routines and daily routines. That's when the connection was made. The scientists wanted to find out how often this habit occurred, how long it lasted, and what temperature of water each person preferred. The results were surprising.

People who felt more lonely showered 23% more often, and the water they used was hot. Hot water indicates that they were trying to fill the void they felt from not having a real partner or just feeling lonely in general.

The scientists wanted to see if this theory would apply to older people, too. So they repeated the same study on 41 people aged 19 to 65. The study showed that elderly people frequency of taking baths not related with how lonely a person feels. This is also explained by the fact that older people (retired) have developed other interests that fill this gap.

The bottom line is this: your habits say a lot about you. Even things you might not even know about yourself.

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