September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Civil servants will receive a bonus of up to 1,200 euros "for labor productivity"

The government is preparing to give civil servants, local government employees and military personnel “productivity bonuses” of between 1,000 and 1,200 euros a year.

These bonuses are provided for in a draft bill from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was submitted for public consultation along with another bill that includes provisions to speed up recruitment through AESEP.

Fees and targets will be set each January-February, when applications are submitted to the relevant ministries. Each institution participates in the incentive and reward system, provided that the goal setting and evaluation process is comprehensively implemented. An employee of the beneficiary institution has the right to remuneration if:

  • The projects proposed for award are identified by the responsible minister in each specific case in the above-mentioned information system with a special mark.
  • The maximum number of proposed projects and goals is eight for each specific body.
  • In order to initiate the process of distributing the amount, the Remuneration and Incentives Committee, taking into account the recommendations of the Remuneration and Incentives Department, shall recommend to the Ministers of Economy and Finance and other Ministers, by 15 January of each reporting year, the initial amount of remuneration appropriate to each body, which is determined on the basis of the total amount.
  • By the end of February of the year following the reporting year, institutions must update the information system to support the setting and evaluation of targets.
  • The selection of beneficiary officials is carried out by the head of the main department, whose structural divisions participate in the full achievement of the goal chosen for incentives.
  • 40% of the final amount of the remuneration received will be compulsorily distributed in equal shares among the beneficiaries of this scheme, and the remaining part (60%) will be distributed in accordance with the contribution of each beneficiary to the functioning and work of the service in connection with the achievement of the set objectives.
  • The amount of the beneficiary official's remuneration is paid annually as a lump sum.

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