September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Vegans Claim Responsibility for Egg Factory Arson

A radical vegan organisation has claimed responsibility for a fire at an egg factory in Thessaloniki, northern Greece.

“If you restore it, we will burn it again,” – wrote radical vegans on an anarchist website. Fire at an egg factory “The Tsakiris Family” The fire in Neohorud occurred on the evening of August 22, destroying most of the premises, but the animals were saved, a company representative said.

Radical vegans claim responsibility for arson “Animal Liberation Front” (MAZ), saying the action was a protest against the suffering of birds. “Thousands of animals die every day in miserable conditions for the taste of their flesh, bringing incalculable profits to the bosses, – MAZ representatives stated and threatened: – We will go forward with fire until the last Auschwitz for animals is closed.”

In a postscript to its statement, MAZ wrote: “There is a lot of garbage that contributes to the destruction of animals in one way or another. The worst ones are definitely meat eaters.”

According to the newspaper documento.grIn a statement released hours after the fire, the company's CEO Pavlos Tsakiris said the fire had completely destroyed the premises that housed administrative offices, the egg standardization workshop, as well as the logistics infrastructure, adding that no animals were harmed as the hens that produce the eggs were kept in other premises.

It is worth noting that the Greek organization Greenpeace claimed in its report that “Thousands of chickens suffered a painful end”as they were burned alive in their cages. The company denied the organization's accusations, emphasizing that “reserves all legal rights that may arise in accordance with applicable law”.

Tsakiris Family Marketing Manager Dimitris Zakalkas told Greenpeace followers on Linkedin that the company's central premises, which were indeed completely destroyed, have nothing to do with the company's 19 poultry farms located in different locations.

He added that the fact that there were no chickens in the burnt premises is confirmed by television footage from a pan-Greek channel that broadcast the fire live and assured that the maintenance of the livestock is a daily concern, a huge contractual and personal responsibility of the businessmen to ensure that the birds live in the most favorable conditions.

Today, Thursday, August 29, Mega TV LiveNewsMagazine reported, citing sources in the fire service, that “The fire was most likely caused by a short circuit and there is no sign or evidence of arson”.

P.S. Remember the movie 12 Monkeys? There, “ecologists” obsessed with protecting animals released a deadly virus into the world that practically destroyed humanity.

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